This journal Focus to facilitate scholar, researchers, and Lecturer for publishing the original research articles or review articles in management Science. Articles to be published on JBMP (Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen dan Perbankan) should follow the focus and scope of this journal. The article must have been edited according to the journal author guidelines before submitting. JBMP publishes research articles in the field of “Management Science” with the following scope : Marketing Management; Finance Management; Human Resources Management.

If you have trouble submitting the manuscript. Feel Free to contact

Change in the Template and Article Charges


Beginning with Volume 10, Number 1, we would like to notify prospective and selected authors of an update to our Article Charges. 

For the Article template there is a change of form in 2024. please be able to adjust. 

Thank You. 

Vol 10 No 1 (2024): April

All articles in this issue (10 research articles) were authored and co-authored by 27 person from 11 institutions and 1 countries (Indonesia). JBMP reviewers up to the 10th volume of the 1st edition, come from within the country (Indonesia) and abroad, from India and Malaysia. An open access for full issue can be downloaded here.


Published: 2024/04/01 – 2024/04/16

Published: 2024-04-01

Bank Profitability in Indonesia During COVID-19 Outbreak

Profitabilitas Bank di Indonesia Selama Wabah COVID-19

Sholikha Oktavi Khalifaturofi'ah, Indra Listyarti, Ririn Poerwanti, Ellen Theresia Sihotang


Sugar-Free Herbal Beverage Preferences: Customer Clustering Insights

Preferensi Minuman Herbal Bebas Gula: Wawasan Pengelompokan Pelanggan

Hasna Nadiyah Banafsaj Sudaryono, Hardiana Widyastuti, Indra Refipal Sembiring, Mokhamad Syaefudin Andrianto


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