Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Kepemimpinan Transformasional Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dimediasi oleh Motivasi Kerja


  • Umar Yeni Suyanto STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan
  • Ika Purwanti STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan
  • Muhammad Dzikri Abadi STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan
  • Agung Hirmantono STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan
  • Mokhtar Sayyid STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan



compensation, transformational leadership, job satisfaction, job motivation


This research aimed to examine and to analyze the effect of compensation and transformational leadership on job satisfaction, either directly or indirectly, mediated with job motivation variable in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Lamongan (thereafter called RSML). This study was an explanatory research; the analysis method employed was Partial Least Square (PLS). The population of research consisted of 364 employees of Muhammadiyah Hospital of Lamongan, while the sample consisted of 79 employees, taken using Slovin technique. The results showed that compensation and transformational leadership are fundamental instruments underlying Muhammadiyah Hospital of Lamongan in improving its employees’ job motivation and satisfaction.

Author Biographies

Umar Yeni Suyanto, STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan

Prodi Perpajakan

Ika Purwanti, STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan

Prodi Manajemen

Muhammad Dzikri Abadi, STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan

Prodi Manajemen

Agung Hirmantono, STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan

Prodi Akuntansi

Mokhtar Sayyid, STIE KH. Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan

Prodi Perpajakan


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